Roll Stock Film

Batla ka: Tsohle
  • Filimi e tloahelehileng ea tiiso ea mocheso bakeng sa senoelo sa PP

    Filimi e tloahelehileng ea tiiso ea mocheso bakeng sa senoelo sa PP

    The most special feature of this film is we can make it easier to peel off from the top of the cup after heat sealed , or can make it to seal very tightly after heat sealed. It depends on the needs of customers. We can supplied custom printed lidding film in a wide range of shapes and size and supplied to you on roll or sheets. If you would like to submit your own artwork, customized your printed lidding film, get quotation online quickly and easily, please leave your message by email, we will reply you as soon as possible. Our Email

  • Filimi ea polasetiki e peelable ea sekoaelo bakeng sa tray ea soso

    Filimi ea polasetiki e peelable ea sekoaelo bakeng sa tray ea soso

    Ntho e ikhethang ka ho fetisisa ea filimi ena ea Lidding ke hore re ka etsa hore ho be bonolo ho ebola ho tloha ka holim'a senoelo ka mor'a hore mocheso o koalehe, kapa o ka etsa hore o tiise ka thata ka mor'a mocheso o tiisitsoe. E itšetlehile ka litlhoko tsa bareki. Re ka fana ka liphutheloana tsa lijo tsa filimi ea li-lidding ka mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea libopeho le boholo 'me ra li fuoa ka roll kapa maqephe.

  • Cold tiiso filimi bakeng sa tsokolate

    Cold tiiso filimi bakeng sa tsokolate

    Re barekisi ba lifilimi ba hloahloa haholo ba ipapisitseng le boiphihlelo ba lilemo tse fetang 25 ba ho etsa liphutheloana tsa lifilimi. Ntho e ikhethang ka ho fetisisa ea filimi ena e batang ea tiiso ke mocheso oa tiiso oa filimi ena e ka tlaase ho likhato tse 25. E tla boloka tefiso e ngata ea matla bakeng sa k'hamphani ea hau mme e ka sireletsa pono ea sehlahisoa sa hau e ke ke ea senya mocheso o phahameng, haholo ha sehlahisoa sa hau e le chokolete kapa ntho e 'ngoe e bonolo ho qhibiliha.